Rory O'Connor
MSc, BA (Hons), H. Dip, Higher Cert.
Rory is an Ecologist and Environmental Consultant with experience in Invasive Species Management, Appropriative Assessments, Preliminary Ecological Assessments, and being an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW). Prior to his work as an Ecologist, Rory spent many years working as a Horticulturist.
Rory holds a MSc in Applied Environmental Science from University College Dublin. His thesis examined the contrasting macroinvertebrate communities of upland streams in the Wicklow, Kerry, and Cork mountains. In addition, he has a BA (Hons) in Physical and Human Geographies from University College Cork, a Higher Cert. in Horticulture from St. Stephen’s College in Cork, and a Higher Cert. in Outdoor Sports and Leadership from the Further Education College in Kinsale.
Projects with Flynn Furney to date have been varied, including ecological assessments of birds, mammals, plants, and habitats, as well as working in the role of ECoW for several large-scale infrastructural developments.