The M3 Motorway

The M3 Motorway

In 2006, contractors were appointed for what was then, and remains, Ireland’s longest motorway construction project. This route runs the length of Co. Meath and links Dublin to Co. Cavan. Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants were appointed to create the Ecological Design for this huge road scheme. This began with detailed surveys of a 1km corridor over a linear distance of almost 100km. The design included four sensitive watercourses (including the River Boyne) and mitigation for mammals including Otters and Badgers. For the latter, more artificial badger setts were created on the M3 than had previously been constructed in the whole country. We also designed the fencing scheme, including mammal proof fencing as well as underpasses, mammal ledges under bridges and compensatory habitat areas. We were appointed as onsite ecologists and oversaw the construction of the route from 2006 until its opening in the summer of 2010. This included a huge watercourse and well-testing programme to monitor any potential impacts on water quality as well as overseeing the landscape planting of the entire route.
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