Commons of Lloyd

Commons of Lloyd

Flynn, Furney Environmental Consultants were commissioned by Meath County Council to create a grassland management plan for an area of amenity grassland known as the Commons of Lloyd outside Kells, Co Meath. The area is approximately 5.5 hectares and has, in recent history been managed as pasture with year-round sheep grazing. Meath County Council are investigating alternative ways to manage this grassland that maximises the site potential as a public amenity resource and for biodiversity.

The aim is to create a management strategy that allows maximum biodiversity benefits for the site, while being considerate of the public. Working with site management, farmers and the county heritage officer, we created three trail areas to test a range of grassland management options for the site. These test different mixtures of grazing and mowing and are designed to help encourage diversity amongst flowering plants and invertebrates within the site’s grassland habitats. The plan also outlines a range of educational and amenity options including biology field trips, project signage and information on biodiversity and traditional farming practices.

Flynn Furney has been continuing to monitor the changes in floral and insect diversity on site over the past couple of years through studies such as transect surveys and pitfall trapping. The company also led the creation of attractive and informative signage on site about the ongoing project.

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