Mallow Sewerage Scheme

Mallow Sewerage Scheme

This project is set in the heart of Mallow town. It’s a major scheme that involves the crossing of the Munster Blackwater using an open trench construction method. Horizontal Directional Drilling was looked at for the crossing but was not deemed feasible, although it is being employed in other parts of the new pipe routes. The key aspect here is the protection of this watercourse and SAC. Pearl mussel surveys concluded that none were present below the bridge but static turbidity monitors are in use to ensure levels are maintained below thresholds set. Crayfish surveys, and subsequent translocations, were conducted and areas to be dewatered were electro-fished. Working closely with IFI and NPWS, licences and refined method statements ensured that this crossing was conducted in a very sensitive manner. The main contractor was very cognisant of the environment that they were working in and collaborated well with our specialists to achieve a very successful outcome. The scheme is still under way and Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants continue their role of ECoW on the site. Species of note include Otters, Kingfisher,  Salmonids, Crayfish, Eel and various nesting bird species. Surveys were conducted for nesting birds and bat activity, prior to any clearance of vegetation required, along with providing the role of agronomists and IAPS (Invasive Alien Plant Species) specialists.

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