Midleton to Youghal Greenway

Midleton to Youghal Greenway

Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants Ltd have been involved with this Greenway from initial pre-construction constraints surveys to clearance supervision and are currently the on-site ecologists. This greenway is situated in a mosaic of habitats which requires a range of specialist disciplines. The route starts in a urban setting, passes through many different agricultural land types, riparian zones, forestry, a pNHA bog and finishes in the marine setting of Youghal town. Working closely with County Council Ecologists and Engineers, solutions are looked for in every aspect of the project to reduce the impact of the construction period, where the ultimate goal is no net loss to biodiversity in the area. Our team are collaborating on the overall design and interpretation to highlight the key ecological aspects of the route. Species encountered on the route include Hen Harrier, Badger, Frogs and Red Squirrel. The ubiquitous Japanese Knotweed and other invasive plants are an issue, for which a comprehensive CEMP (Construction Environmental Management Plan) was prepared.

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